September 07, 2006

Coloring with marker

I'm tring to find some variations in my art.... I want to learn about color, I think I need it!


Dave Dick said...

I think you figured it out! Awesome sense of story in these drawings.

milo said...

Cool character! Love all your sketches! Can't wait to see more of your work!;O)

Unknown said...

I like very much your style, is incredible!!
Please visit me and wrte me your opinion.

Ken said...

I like these, very cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your commentary, shortly I will create a Link in my blog. If your you made the honor me do a Link to me you it would thank for it. Thanks.

Dan Elder said...

wow your really good with color and light. very empressive

Maki said...

Thank you so much for your nice comments!!

dave--- Thank you for making me draw with color. I wouldn't try if you didn't suggest it for me...

milo--- Thank you! I will draw more!! Hopefully soon...

Jodri--- Thank you for your link. That looks so cute and nice!! I can't make same thing like you but... at least I linked you!

danarchy--- Thank you for your kind comment! It was a little bit difficult to switch blue pencil to color...for me anyway. I will learn more and show you soon.

Unknown said...

Is perfect thank's again lady!!

Unknown said...

what an appealling character!! love his poses and personality!

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Nice work great emotion and the colors are fun also the link thanks it's much appreciated by me will b sure to return it till next time take care !!!

Paloma Cancino said...

Tu trabajo es muy bello y muy tierno!!!
Felicitaciones y un abrazo


Marco Antonio SepĂșlveda said...

Hermosos y muy bien hechos bocetos y dibujos.
Me gustan todos tus trabajos.


Kei Acedera said...

Hi Maki!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your nice words! you have really cute stuff here! I like your blue sketches for the children's book..hope it went well :)

Maki said...

Thak you very much for those nice words!!

ken----I watched your animation and it was beautiful!
Thank you very much for the link!

alina--- Thank you, Alina. Yeah, I wanna find their personality in my drawing... i will try!

st john street---Thank you! I loved your black and white drawing on your blog.

palomaescritola---thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope you like my stuff...

Marco Antonio SepĂșlveda--- Thank you so much for visiting! Try those blog on my link. They are great!

kei acedera--- Hi! Thank you very much for visiting! Im working on more sketches for my children's book. I hope I can show you more soon!

I really wanna work on my stuff but being pretty busy at work...
Hopefully, see you guys soon!


Unknown said...

wonderful sketches!!! I'll come back soon!!

Alexei Martins said...

Awesome sketches!!!!I love your style!!!

I'm from Brasil...

Jarrett said...

Wonderful designs as usual! It's a real treat to see what you've done.

Keith Dury said...

Very super nice!!!!!!!

Maki said...

Thank you very much for visiting and those nice comments!

I think I will be able to post something soon. I can't wait to show my work to everyone:)

Thanks again,