August 10, 2007



Ibrahim AlGwaiz said...

Awsome lighting man!
For some reason this painting kinda scares me.

Dan said...

wow, yeah that lighting is incredible, almost blinding on her chest area. great job. her hair also looks incredible. glad to see your out of your slump Smaki, keep 'em comin'

Dave Dick said...

I too love the lighting on this painting! Nice lighting and a beautiful image :)

Unknown said...


bog_art said...

Your work is really impressive.. you use the lights and shadows in a beautiful way.. I really like your "a bed time story".. congratulations!!..

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Very kool lighting on this an the one b4 hope all is good!!

Ken said...

hey this is beautiful! I really like the lighting on her face! its a very unique style, wow her hair is so real looking!